Regular Route, Careno Crag, Leavenworth
Posted by markhwebster on May 1st, 2012 • 0 Comments
Fletch, Vladi, Craig, Merica, Karen and I climbed the Regular Route on Careno Crag in Leavenworth Sunday. I was very rusty and thrashed the first and last pitch. The middle pitch was fun, though climbing past the rattlesnake in the crack was hairy. The snake was right where we needed to put our hands, so we had to hope he wasn’t in a bad mood as we climbed past him up the crack.
Here are a few pictures.
I’ve been studying Jquery for a client project that is due in June. It’s a lot of fun, but it’s hard work on top of my regular teaching job. Still, I needed to learn it, and it will be awesome to share this new knowledge with my students.
Being deaf in one ear is similar to using an avalanche beacon. I can’t tell what direction sounds are coming from. A great example of this is when my cell phone rang this morning. I walked through the rooms of the house trying to find where the sound was loudest. I walked into the living room and the sound receded. Nope, not in there. I walked into the bedroom…getting quieter. Oh, let’s try the kitchen….aaah, sound is louder, phone must be in here somewhere. I still didn’t know where it was, even though it was in the room…but at least I could search for logical locations…like in my work pack.
With our old avalanche beacons, you walk a criss cross pattern in the avalanche debris, listening for where the sound is loudest…just like having a deaf ear and looking for a ringing cell phone. I lost my left side hearing 12 years ago when I got Menieres disease in my left ear.