Sold my Speed Graphic 4 x 5 camera

Posted by on April 14th, 2012  •  0 Comments

I’ve sold my Speed Graphic 4 x 5 camera

Speed Graphic 4x5 camera

Speed Graphic 4×5 camera

I bought this to take transparencies of my landscape paintings. I don’t use it anymore because my digital cameras are good enough for my needs. Really though, if I was making a living as a painter, I wouldn’t sell it. Even the best digital only shoots at 40 megs, and that’s not big enough for a  30 inch print of a painting.

Sue (working as camera operator) and I shot a video with my new Canon 7D about the Speed Graphic. I go over the controls and function of the old beast. It’s a cool camera if you are into old stuff that still works.

I’ve taught myself Adobe Premiere by watching an online lesson at For a while, I was in a panic because I didn’t have enough video footage to work with on my own projects in Premiere. But now I have too much video footage and not enough time in which to edit it. Editing is slow work, especially on a 3 year old mac.

My next big editing project is to compile a bunch of videos from the climbing gym into one short video. It’s a sunny Saturday and I am spending it at the computer. I keep telling myself that it’s ok, I need to learn this stuff…but the sunshine is calling to me…

These are a couple photos I took on Spring break on a climbing trip. My daughter is all grown up now. She and her brother save lives for a living at a local ER room.

Lisa and Tim at Smith Rocks

Lisa and Tim at Smith Rocks

Lisa at Smith

Lisa at Smith

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