The Whippers
Posted by markhwebster on June 8th, 2019 • 0 Comments • Full Article
“So Chris, you need to be ready, I’m probably going to clip the last bolt, climb up to the top and jump off.”
“Give me a lot of slack, like, have the rope practically laying on the deck. I don’t want it tight because I might whip into the wall.”
I carefully tied my knot with a very long tail so I could do a clean, half a grapevine back up knot. Before I pulled the figure eight tight, I clipped a round bodied metolius locker into the bottom loops of the knot. This makes a locked up knot easier to untie.
Bobbi saw me do it and gave me an evil grin: “I know what that means”.
Chris said: “I’m not really a huge fan of these intentional falls, seems like it’s needlessly stressing the system”.
“Bobbi can belay me, if you don’t wanna’ do it” I said.
“No, no, I’m fine”
“Ok, just be ready, and keep a lot of slack in the rope”.
“Ok, so if at any time you say you want to take or rest on the rope, I’ll just let you fall”
“Yup, that’s only fair” I said.
I climbed smoothly up through the dozen clips to the top of the wall, being extra careful to clip each bolt cleanly from secure stances. I watched each biner clip closed almost in slow motion, my focus absolute. I knew that I could not make a mistake. Every move was calculated and accurate.
As I clipped the last draw I still had some power in reserve on the steeply overhanging white 5.10. I climbed up to the top of the wall where the lowering clips were and simply grabbed on. I looked down at Chris, who I could clearly see was exactly where he should be, in brake position, with a long loop of slack.
I looked down at my tie in knot, with it’s backup knot to make sure everything was fine, and then let go. I quickly accelerated to a speed that felt far too fast, falling freely through the air at least 20 feet. I had very little panic, secure in the knowledge that the system was secure. As the rope caught me 30 feet off the ground, most of the people who were standing around on the floor jerked their heads up, sensing and hearing the noise of the draws banging on the wall as the rope came tight, and the body falling from high above.
Chris lowered me down carefully, to the watching climbers, who slowly turned away now that the show was over.
“I never would have guessed you had that streak of wildness,” he said.
“Yeah, somewhere inside me I’ve got a little craziness going on. But those whippers are really fun!” I said.
Bobbi: “I think it makes you a better climber, you know you’re safe so you can relax.”