Faucett and a portrait
Posted by markhwebster on February 26th, 2019 • 0 Comments • Full Article
I’ve been doing a lot of pen and ink. I try to do at least a sketch every day and often a longer drawing like these two.
It’s been two weeks since I had my finger worked on. It’s been stiff since Thanksgiving, but just in the last week I took the big bandage off. I was playing lots of ping pong, but because my bandage was in the way I couldn’t really see the progress I’ve been making.
Today I had just a small bandaid on and suddenly I was playing the best ping pong I’ve ever played. If a serve or returned ball had the least bit of float I was able to slow down time and see the ball floating almost in slow motion. I’d do a short pause to get my hand positioned on the paddle just right, then smack it over the net so hard it was rarely returned. Many of the serves coming toward me turned into lightning quick slams. It’s a great technique because it (depending on the player) intimidates the server and leads to even more floaters.
I was getting spanked on the some of the serves, and I was making my normal errors. We’ve got some great players down there. But generally I was truly surprised at how well I was playing.