Presidents Day painting
Posted by markhwebster on February 17th, 2015 • 0 Comments • Full Article
Fletch and I went climbing at Smith Rocks on Presidents Day. I drew him driving on the way down, and the way back. Before and after the trip I worked on this painting of fruit in a glass bowl.
Starting on the first day Fletch set the tone by jumping on a 5.10a called Karate Crack. Karate and I have a long history dating back to 1983. I never climb it first thing in a trip, but it was Fetches lead. Unfortunately it was dark as I finished the last moves, so I couldn’t see the traverse footholds. His cam protecting that traverse was of doubtfull quality…so I was looking at a possible long fall. I used the very last drop of my strength to pull my way around that exposed corner and nail the stem rest.
The next day we swung leads up Zebra Zion, another 10a climb that I rarely do. We also did Packanimal Direct, both pitches…plus a bunch of easier stuff. Eventually I started to warm up and have fun. I normally start out on easier stuff, like sevens and eights, but jumping on harder stuff at the beginning eventually got me to the same place. Every evening we played guitars around the campfire. It was a great trip.