Toleak Point, 13 mile Washington Coast hike

Posted by on August 18th, 2012  •  0 Comments  •  Full Article

Sue and I hiked Toleak Point, a 13 mile round trip out on the Washington Coast south of LaPush. You can also do it as a 17 mile one way hike. I carried out my Canon 7D and 24-105L lens. The images were great, but I wished I’d brought my paints along. I was trying to go light and did not bring my sleeping bag, which led to some chilly dreams in my bivy sack.

Since we got back I bought a two pound tarptent and a 10 ounce titanium cook pot. I also cut the legs off my steel easel and cobbled together some hose clamps that substitute my hiking sticks for legs.  I’m hoping that by bringing a lighter tent that Sue and I can share, and bringing painting gear instead of the heavy camera, my backpack weight will be about the same. I weighed 205 pounds including my backpack, which had 2 nights of gear and camera.

This stuff drifts in and people hang it up for decoration

This stuff drifts in and people hang it up for decoration



burning man

I burned some old bad drawings to lighten my backpack on the return hike

Now that I've taken all the pictures, I will go back and paint it

Now that I've taken all the pictures, I will go back and paint it


weird fungus growing on leaf by the tent

weird fungus growing on leaf by the tent


That was our first overnight backpack on the coast in 20 years. I stopped hiking because my knees hurt. They’ve improved since I started hiking in chaco sandals.