Godzilla at Index Town Wall
Posted by markhwebster on August 13th, 2012 • 0 Comments • Full Article
I led Godzilla today. This climb is a bar I jump over every summer. When I have warmed up to the point where I can lead Godzilla, I know I’m as good as I will ever get. Today, I didn’t quite make it over the bar. Oh, I got up it, but I had no power, no enthusiasm, and no grace. Sue had to hold me 4 times as I rested on the rope.
When I climbed it last summer with Chris, I sailed up it cleanly, and that was after leading Toxic Shock earlier in the day. Contributing factors in this debacle were: I dieted Saturday, which left me weak. I almost switched gears and went painting instead today…clearly I was not passionate about climbing. I felt it was my “duty” to climb it…strike while the iron is hot. The iron being hot because I just came back from Idaho a month ago and should still be warmed up.
I stayed up late on Tuesday night framing paintings for the Puyallup fair. 3AM to be precise. The weekend before, Sue and I hiked 13 miles to Toleak Point out by LaPush. All in all, I needed a rest weekend instead of climbing.
I’m in the mood to paint. I will try to squeeze in some paintings after work this week.