This was a illustration style I learned in an Illustrator WOW for CS book. Woodcut artwork
                            has been around for centuries, Illustrator makes it easy
Cell Phone Driver
I got this little wooden guy so I could learn the proportions of the human form. After doing him in pencil, I though it
                            would be fun to do him in Illustrator. I drew him from life
Wooden Manikin
This fish was created using the gradient mesh tool. The mesh tool makes vector points behave like watercolor. It was a exercise in the Illustrator WOW textbook
Big Fish
I found this parrot on and decided to use him for a lesson plan for my students
Orange Parrot
I thought this was so cool I purchased it on to see how it was made. I decided to use it for a lesson plan for my students
Green Gears
I bought some straws for a birthday party. Looking at the box I realized it was created in Illustrator. Another lesson plan was born
Safeway Straws
This was a illustration style I learned in an Illustrator WOW for CS book. It uses the mesh tool to create watercolor like blends
Green Hills
Mick Flaaen is a friend and a former student. He needed a poster for his 
                            latest movie. He had a little money, but mostly it looked like a fun way
                            to get in some good practice
Movie Poster
I purchased a $50 book called Creative Photoshop for CS4. This is an exercise I did where he has you 
                            do the artwork with the path tool. My students enjoyed this, though they didn't like how long it took.
Paths in Photoshop
Another exercise from the book:  Creative Photoshop for CS4. This was a lot of Photoshop pen work, but the results are cool
Yellow Dancer
I took my picture, and followed the directions in Creative Photoshop for CS4 to make this awesome
                            hollowed out spiral self portrait. Again it was a lot of pen work, mixed with pixel pushing
My spiral face
Classic Photoshop exercise where you transpose lips from one creature to another
Human Fish
I wrote and published a rock climbing guide book to Spire Rock in Spanaway. This 
                            is from the second edition. I took the pictures and montaged them together
Spire Rock
Vladi modeled for the cover of the second edition of my book on Spire Rock. It is in Spanaway, Washington. 
                            You can buy the book at
Cover Spread