Make it pretty...then make it move!
I've been building web animations since last century. As a huge fan of Flash for banner ads, it was interesting watching the ad agencies switch from Flash to JavaScript.
My students quickly noticed the trend and demanded that we cut back on Flash and focus on using JavaScript libraries like jQuery and greensock. I was happy to comply. Letting the browser be the animation engine, instead of a third party plug-in (Flash) seemed like a no brainer.
Each of the animation banners you see running here (on a big monitor) have their own script engines, but they are quite similar. I developed these after watching a number of tutorials on the greensock website. He explains the general principals, and you can find his actual banner on github, but he does not explain it in a step by step tutorial.
My students and I did a lot of reverse engineering to put them back together to what you see here. This is a copy of his horizontal banner, or as close as I could come, but modified to be both horizontal, and in a sidebar. I've also modified most of his timing to suit my needs. I wrote a tutorial on how to do the horizontal banner here.
Hangman Game
I learned how to build a number guessing game here:
I've got it embedded in an iframe, but if that doesn't work, here is a direct link. Hint: if you turn on developer tools, I console.log out the random you can cheat.
The tutorial was fun, but as I was working it occurred to me that it could form the backbone of much prettier animated game. A lot of what I wanted in the game was functionality that I didn't know how to program. I found the answers with simple google searches. It is 600 lines of code, including the html, css and JavaScript. I wrote every.single.line. Here is the game on codepen. While I was programming the game, I fell in love with a new free code editor called Atom. I like it better than both brackets and sublime. I created the SVG art in Illustrator.
Test Your Typing Speed
NOTE: I learned how to do this while studying at I wrote all of the Javascript code while following his tutorial. Morten deserves the credit for creating this. I'm just the student, learning from the master.
This is a typing test. Your goal is to duplicate the provided text, EXACTLY, in the field below. The timer starts when you start typing, and only stops when you match this text exactly. There are *no* line breaks in the if else statement. Good Luck!
This is a typing test for programmers. I find that if else statements can be challenging.if (snowingInMountains==true) {rideChairLift(30)} else {StudyProgramming();}
Flash Animations
The links below will not work on Android or IOS devices.